Monday, November 18, 2013

Harvey and Marilyn Diamond- Fit For Life: 2013. 11. 16

20. Laughter, hope, faith and love are primary health ingredients.
Traditional and holistic medicine: diet, exercise, sunshine, rest, massage, and prayer

Ch 3. Natural Body Cycle (pg. 52)
4am to noon- elimination (of body wastes and food debris)
noon to 8 pm- appropriation (eating and digestion)
8pm to 4am- assimilation (absorption and use)

Ch 5. Principles of High-Water-Content Food
Eat vegetable and fruits 70% of meal.

72. Mineral water is not ideal for the human body, because it contains inorganic minerals that human body can neither use nor precipitate out. These inorganic minerals tend to hook up with cholesterol in the system and form a thick plaque in the arteries. Distilled water does not have this effect.

It is very debilitating to drink water with a meal.

Ch 6. The Principle of Proper Food Combining
76. The human body is not designed to digest more than one concentrated food in the stomach at the same time, and any food that is not a fruit or vegetable is concentrated.
(No protein + carb(grain))

Ch 7. The Principle of Correct Fruit Consumption

Waiting time to eat after eating:
Salad/ raw vege- 2 hrs
Properly combined meal without flesh- 3 hrs
Properly combined with flesh- 4 hrs
Improperly combined meal- 8 hrs

100. Don't gulp juice down. Because it is fragmented, you should take but a mouthful at a time and let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.

Ch 9. Protein

128. It is not necessary to eat complete  proteins at every meal or even every day.

129. Many fruits and vegetables contain most of the amino acids: carrots, bananas, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplant, kale, okra, pea, potato, summer squash, sweet potato, tomato, nuts, sunflower and sesame seeds, peanuts, and beans.

133. Minimizing negative effects of meat:
1. Seek a good source. Some of the chemicals given to animals destined for slaughter are dangerous. These can include penicillin, tetracycline, sewage-sludge pellets decontaminated with cesium-137, radioactive nuclear waste, fattening agents, a host of other chemicals and antibiotics to prime the animal for sale. Not to mention the chemical treatment some meat receives when it is routinely dipped in sodium sulfate to decrease the stench of decay and turn it red rather than the gray of dead flesh. Some cattle farmers have fed their steers hundreds of pounds of cement dust to get their weight up for sale. A consumer group, hearing of this ploy, complained to the FDA to halt it, and the FDA's statement after investigation was that since there has been no indication of harm ot humans by ingesting some cement dust, the practice can continue until some harm is proved. Can you imagine trying to be healthy while eating cement dust?
There are places that guarantee that their beef and chicken are naturally grazed and raised with absolutely no chemical additives at all. Seek out these sources.

2. Try to eat flesh no more than once a day, preferably later in the evening.

137. Unless eggs are eaten raw, the amino acids are coagulated by heat and thereby lost. Even if they are eaten raw, eggs are laid by hens that are fed arsenic to ill parasites and stimulate egg production, and you ingest some of that virulent poison. Also eggs contain much sulfur, which puts a heavy strain on the liver and kidneys.

Ch 10. Dairy Products

143. Casein in milk hardens and adheres to the lining of the intestines and prevents the absorption of nutrients into the body, resulting in lethargy. Also the by-products of milk digestion leave a great deal of toxic mucus in the body. It's very acidic, and some of it is stored in the body until it can be dealt with at a later time.

149. Half a cup of raw nuts a day is plenty for the average person.

Ch 11. Exercise

151. You don't have to exercise yourself into a state of exhaustion; that will only waste energy. But everyday you should see to it that your heart is exercised. An aerobics exercise is one that stimulates the respiratory and circulatory systems. This way fresh oxygenated blood reaches all areas of your body, a must if you want your body to operate efficiently.

152. Aerobic exercises: swimming, tennis, jumping rope, light jogging, bike riding, brisk walking, aerobic classes.

Rebounding is a terrific aerobics exercise that people of all ages can enjoy, without the risks to the bone structure that come from jogging on pavement, or to the lower back from strenuous aerobic calisthenics. It strengthens and tones every cell of the body because it works against the gravitational pull.

20 minute brisk walk is a minimum aerobic exercise to be performed every day.

The ideal time to do the exercise is early in the morning. The air is freshest then, and so is your body.

154. Few people realize how much nourishment our bodies obtain from the air we breathe. Fresh, clean air is a most valuable life force, along with sunshine, which is the source of all life on this planet. Make a point of supplying yourself with both of these important elements of health as often as you can.

A walk in the woods or at the seashore, or a hike in the country..

155. It is essential to have a window open when you sleep. Even if you must add extra blanket for warmth, fresh air circulating while you sleep is invaluable. The body can be more effective during the assimilation and elimination cycles if it is given fresh air while it works and is not forced to breathe air that is laden with toxins it has just eliminated.

Ch 12. You are what you think you are.

158. To be healthy we must start to believe we are healthy!

Part 2- The Program

194. Breakfast Guidelines:
1. Start your day with fresh fruit juice if you desire. (8-14 ounces)
2. Throughout the morning have pieces of fruit as you feel hungry.
3. Have a minimum of 2 servings of fruit in any 3 hour period.
4. Your maximum fruit intake should be governed by your needs. Have as much as you desire. Do not undereat or overeat fruit!
5. Eat melons before other fruit.
6. Eat bananas when you are particularly hungry and are craving heavier food.

207. Never cook avocado, cucumber, and particularly tomato. Tomatoes become very acid when cooked and acidify your whole system.

212. Avoid overeating nuts, and never eat them roasted. Roasted nuts are terribly acidifying to the sytem. Raw nuts are an excellent source of natural oil.

240. Never combine avocado with protein, only with vegetable and carbs.

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